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Dec 31, 2011

Sabrina + Michael wedding

我最喜歡一些熱情, 外向, 開朗嘅新人同兄弟姊妹. 而 Sabrina 同 Michael 同埋佢地班兄弟姊妹正正就係有呢類性格. 所以當日好容易就好有氣氛又影到好多靚相. 正!

Sabrina 同 Michael 喺 pre-wedding 時已經知道佢地係好 nice 嘅人, 我亦睇得出佢地兩個好愛對方同好有感情. 我地所以亦喺佢地嘅 Same day edit (喺下面)入面做多少少, 加多少少深情讀白, 另條片更加內容豐富. 希望你地都鍾意啦!

Brian's favorite
呢個場地開間感十足, 場面更加浪漫更甜.

Nov 30, 2011

Eni + Ken wedding

This is my first time to shoot a wedding which the official language is Japanese.

In their wedding, as they mostly spoke in Japanese, I actually didn't know what was going on, especially during the speech. ^^
However, by looking into their smiley faces and guests' reaction, I can felt how happy they were.

Although Eni didn't take a lot of pictures before, she acted pretty natural and posed pretty well during the portrait session just as if a professional model. I am glad that she speaks English so that we can still communicate during the photo shoot.

The wedding took place in Garden Suite, The Peninsula, Hong Kong.
It was a small but cozy place suitable for small scale wedding. You can always see more intimidate interaction between people in small scale wedding.

Brian's favorite
Hotel room is always a good place for portrait session. Simple, clean and elegant.

Nov 23, 2011

Ocean + Johnny wedding


之前幫 Ocean 同 Johnny 影咗輯 pre-wedding 同 video, 話咁快就到佢地嘅大日子啦.
當日同我平時好唔同, 我係客席攝影師, 又係半個兄弟咁. 拍攝流程等等有阿 Ray 大師主持, 我可以輕鬆啲靜靜咁喺附近幫手影相.

Brian's favorite
每一場婚禮我都好鍾意睇呢一幕. 可以睇到新人之間微妙嘅關係...

Oct 27, 2011

Ocean + Johnny pre-wedding video

終於到咗呢個 post 嘅時候啦.

一直以來, 我都係 focus 喺影相度. 但其實有好多嘅感覺或者 message 用 video 帶俾大家會係更加有效同有 emotion 好多. 所以有時候我同 partner 一齊做 same day edit 時, 我都會有好多意見 (partners 們唔好見怪. ^^), 務求可以每次出嚟嘅片都係有唔同, 切合新人, 同帶多 d 新人或者我地嘅諗法俾大家.

不只一次有新人朋友問我, 成長片段 (或 March-in 片) 除咗 photo slideshow, 仲可以做 d 咩? 其實可以做嘅野有好多, 但係我想做一 d 比較有 message 嘅俾大家. 雖然有人會覺得睇舊相好似好悶 (其實我覺得都幾有 meaning), 但係我都會想做多 d.

Johnny 係我中學好友, 幫佢影 pre-wedding 前佢話我知想做個 mv 喺 march-in 前播.
我話不如做多少少, 好似有 d message 咁好似有意思 d.
好開心佢同 Ocean 都鍾意呢個 idea.
於是就喺有限時間裡面諗好 d 野同要一日做晒影相同影片. 起初我都驚會好趕, 兩頭唔到岸. 不過當日都算順利 (多謝 Kimmi 同 細B 幫手).
最後剪好晒都係我想要嘅野. 就係以下呢條片:

(可到 睇 HD 版)

婚禮當日播時我都有 d 緊張, 因為有 d 位唔知觀眾們會點諗.
但 turn out 反應我自己都覺得 ok. 希望大家有笑之餘, 心裡面都有一點甜甜的微笑.

Sep 29, 2011

Cuckoo + Sanu wedding

A small scale wedding can just as sweet and warm as a big one.

Cuckoo and Sanu are from Thailand and they study and work in Hong Kong.
I was glad to be their wedding photographer so that I can be exposed in a different kind of wedding.
Although Cuckoo's original plan didn't work out as expected, the wedding now hosted in one-thirtyone near Sai Kung sea area was still amazing. Their closest friends and family came and witnessed Cuckoo and Sanu's biggest moment in their life and enjoyed a wonderful lunch in a great day.

Brian's favorite
I wanted to enjoy the sunshine and lie down on the grass too...

Sep 5, 2011

Goretti + Patrick wedding

This year summer is really hot.
However, the hot weather did not scare out sweet wedding couple from Canada.

Goretti and Patrick's wedding was actually completed in Canada. (I love the horse car!)
In order for their friends and relatives in Hong Kong to share their happiness, they hosted a banquet in Central. I originally thought that it would only have a couple of tables. However, it turned out to be twenty-something tables which was just like a standard HK wedding. ^^ Anyway, it is always good to see lots of friends around.

Enjoy the photos taken on the night.

Brian's favorite
The kiss that is always sweet, regardless the location.

Sep 2, 2011

Peggie + Tommy wedding

Peggie 係 Wickey 嘅姊妹, 好開心可以喺佢嘅大日子都幫佢影相.

當日嘅花車係一個紅色嘅 mini cooper, 真係嘅有大日子 feel 又 modern, 影出嚟仲好靚好搶添.

Brian's favorite
漫天花瓣, 祝福著一對新人. 
感動的畫面, 不在乎有多少金錢堆砌, 只在乎入面的人有多投入. 

Sep 1, 2011

Jennifer + Man Shing wedding

本來仲諗住 Summer 時間可以出多 d post. 點知係咁趕制年底新人的 pre-wedding 相簿及後制都冇出多到. 真失敗, 哈哈!

share 番一個比較久嘅 shooting.
Jennifer 同 Man Shing 算係我早期拍攝嘅新人, 而且我都有同佢地影過 pre-wedding, 所以都見過好幾次面啦.
今次係佢地婚禮嘅上半 part, 喺西貢景輝堂嘅教堂註冊.
簡單而隆重的儀式, 但都有不少親友參與呢.

Brian's favorite 
Jennifer 差點忍不住感動到流淚呢...

Aug 5, 2011

Sabrina + Michael pre-wedding

好輕鬆愉快的一次 pre-wedding shooting.
夏日炎炎, 雖然好想去影相, 但係攞住咁多野周圍走的確有 d 辛苦. 但係今次同 Sabrina 同 Michael  影相係好舒服, 因為我地半日都喺佢地嘅母校入面周圍走, 唔駛趕, 慢慢影. 

我最喜歡聽新人嘅故事. 一路影一路同佢地傾下呢個位有咩回憶, 以前佢地係點識咁, 令我影嘅時候都會諗下有咩唔同方式及角度. 

Brian's favorite
校園戀愛總是值得人回味. 同一個地點, 拖著同一隻手, 不同的時間, 但還跟著你走.

Jul 27, 2011

Zoe + Chi pre-wedding

我覺得有兩樣野係幾難影嘅, 第一就係 bb 仔, 第二就係動物. 因為你永遠都唔知佢地想點. 同佢地影相你要好有技巧咁樣引佢地.

Zoe 屋企養咗好多隻貓 (我諗大槪有 5-6 隻吧). 佢想同佢 d 貓貓一齊影相, 於是我盡量將佢屋企變成一個簡單 d 嘅影樓, 咁就唔駛帶 d 貓出去又影到啦. 當日佢 d 貓貓都算合作, 冇爪傷我, 但係都係坐唔定. 所以最後都只係可以一隻隻影, 又或者抱住影.

Brian's favorite
簡簡單單, 全家幅, 好幸福...

Jul 14, 2011

Sze + Shun pregnancy

話咁快, 上年結婚嘅阿詩原來就快做媽媽啦.
好開心幫佢地影完 pre-weddingwedding
之後可以咁快幫佢地影 pregnancy 相.
我成日都諗, 我好似睇住佢地好多個人生嘅重要階段咁. 見到佢地咁開心都有 d 感觸. 哈哈. 

Brian's favorite
I just love this...

Jun 17, 2011

Becky + Franky wedding

童話式的婚禮係好多女孩子夢寐以求嘅野, 但係因為好多其他原因, 唔係個個都做到. 但見到 Becky 同 Franky 咁用心機去打造佢地以童話為主題的婚禮, 相信佢地嘅夢相已經實現咗. 我都好開心幫佢地紀錄呢一個夢幻的一天.

Brian's favorite
相信有唔少新人都想喺伯大尼行禮. 呢間係香港少數嘅教堂可以容許非教徒都可以舉行婚禮. 入面面積不是很大, 但四周都有好靚嘅環境, 真係影到停唔到手.

Jun 1, 2011

Shinnie + Ronald wedding

Shinnie 同 Ronald 我之前同佢地影過 pre-wedding. 其實之後幾個月就到佢地 wedding, 好快又見到佢地同佢地影相.

今次我全輯相都用黑白嚟出, 係一個我比較少嘅做法. 彩色同黑白其實我都鍾意. 黑白俾到一個強 d 嘅報導感我, 而彩色就有豐富同開心嘅感覺. 希望大家都鍾意.

Brian's favorite moment
上頭儀式一般嚟講都會係婚禮前一晚, 所以好少會影到. 雖然講嘅都係一啲傳統恭賀說話, 但係都令到所有人好開心.

May 20, 2011

Ka Wai + Man Kit pre-wedding

呢一次 pre-wedding photo shoot 係一次好特別嘅 photo shoot, 因為我"講不出聲".

朝早開始影時都冇乜事, 但影到午飯之後 (唔知係咪 d 野食有問題), 喉嚨非常之痛, 最好仲好似 d 人去完演唱會大叫後開唔到聲咁. 起初我非常擔心, 因為其實攝影師同被攝者嘅溝通係非常重要. 好彩, 嗰日嘅溝通仲可以通過燈光師嘅傳達, 未致出現問題. 多謝嘉慧同文傑嘅體諒.

Brian's favorite
好喜歡域多利監獄門口呢幅場, 因為真係好多影法都靚同特別.

May 10, 2011

Carol + Andrew wedding

An enjoyable wedding shooting with Carol and Andrew.
Carol is a nice and friendly girl who does not stay in Hong Kong often. We didn't get phone/face to face contact until the last few days before her wedding. Thanks for her and her family in choosing me to be her wedding day photographer. Although she said she does not know how to pose in front of the camera, she did pose pretty good and we took lots of photos during the portrait section.

Brian's favorite moment
Andrew was reading the vow loudly in both Chinese and English which was really funny.

Apr 21, 2011

Save the earth

I was doing rubbish cleaning tonight inside Photoshop...



Actually, before I shot in this location, there was more rubbish than you can see right now.
However, I saw Ann Choi there and I knew she loves this location. Thanks for her assistant to clean up most of the rubbish. ^^

Save the earth.
Please don't throw rubbish into our beautiful sea.
Thanks. ^^

Apr 1, 2011

Amy + Willie wedding

Wedding is a big project and there are so many things to handle in order to get a successful wedding done.

Amy must have been passed through many of these processes. Some of them are smooth and easy, but some of them are hard and painful.

I hope I have solved one of Amy's issues in choosing a suitable wedding photographer in their wedding.

Brides are always the one who care more about the details of the big day. Every groom should appreciate their effort.

Brian's favorite moment
I always like to capture the moment where the bride see the groom when he lifts the veil. It is the moment where they use their eyes to talk.

Mar 31, 2011

Agnes + Lawrence pre-wedding

呢排整理緊 d 舊相, 發現原來好多都未 post 過. 真係要勤力 d update 下.

我對 Lawrence 有一個好深刻嘅印象, 就係我俾相佢嗰陣, 咁啱喺農歷新年, 喺我冇 expectation 嘅情況下, 佢俾咗封利是我. 哈哈. 睇嚟安排喺新年交收都係一件好事. 哈哈.

Brian's favorite moment
呢個畫面一直喺我腦海好耐, 簡簡單就好靚. 香港嘅海其實都可以好迷人.

Mar 18, 2011

Carmen + Anthony pregnancy

結婚過後, 有部份人選擇過二人世界. 亦有部份人好積極咁制造佢地嘅結晶品.

好開心同我嘅好友 Anthony 同 Carmen 影佢地呢輯 Pregnancy photo.
個人比較喜歡外國 style 嘅影法, 俾較 moody d 同生動有趣. 希望出嚟嘅感覺都係佢地想要嘅野啦. 嗰日雖然唔係影咗好耐, 但都試咗幾個唔同嘅 feel. Carmen 之前仲有好幾個好有趣嘅 idea 想試添. 玩玩下真係快樂不知時日過呀.

睇住朋友們婚後都有 bb, 有 d 就嚟生, 有 d 生咗好努力咁照顧緊佢地, 都登佢地開心同興奮.
亦好高興同佢地紀錄呢個人生中最重要嘅 moment 之一.

Brian's favorite
最想影嘅係準爸爸媽媽同未出世 bb 嘅嗰種 connection. Life is magical!

Feb 22, 2011

Alva + Hubert wedding


Alva 同 Hubert 嘅婚禮全日都很緊密. 接新娘, 返男家, 行教堂, 擺酒, 唱歌, 表演, 玩遊戲, 十分充實. 跟了他們一日, 雖然沒有什麼休息時間, 但拍得十分開心. 因為當日你可以感受到他們之間的愛同埋對對方之關懷.

Brian's favorite moment
我自己十分喜愛的一個畫面. 漫天紙碎, 華麗的場地加上燈光, 令新人進場時又浪漫又興奮...

Feb 18, 2011

Fiona + Alex wedding

前排過新年, 終於有啲時間可以停一停, 諗一諗, 回想一下過去的工作...

新郎 Alex 我覺得係一個好 nice 嘅人. 個人好友善, 對人好好. 我相信佢都係一個好好嘅老公.
婚禮嗰日我睇佢好開心, 但又好緊張有 d 咩做得唔好. 新娘 Fiona我覺得係一個好隨和嘅人. 睇住佢地兩個我覺得佢地十分幸福.

 Brian's favorite moment
呢個係 Alex 俾 Fiona 嘅一個 surprise. Alex 自己極速學琴, 錄咗一段鋼琴伴奏俾自己 (睇睇 projector), 再現場唱番首歌俾 Fiona 聽. 聽落都好感動... 唔知新娘子鍾唔鍾意呢?


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